Express & Star

Post Office worker jailed for £83k theft

A woman was behind bars today  facing a lengthy prison sentence after stealing £83,000 from the Black Country Post Office she managed.


A woman was behind bars today facing a lengthy prison sentence after stealing £83,000 from the Black Country Post Office she managed.

But Neelam Hussain, aged 23, will not know exactly how long she will serve until a claim cash was taken to pay the bills of her injured mother-in-law in Pakistan has been checked.

She syphoned off the money into a bogus account while in day to day charge of the West Bromwich Post Office in the Farley Centre where she had worked for five years, Wolverhampton Crown Court heard yesterday.

Prosecutor Simon Hughes said: "She was young but she was an experiences post mistress. She had been there since 2005 and had managed the business since 2008."

An audit in November 2009 revealed a £101,617 shortfall in its books and uncovered a "phantom" stock unit into which five payments totalling £83,000 had been made between October 16 and November 5 2009, the court was told.

Hussain tried unsuccessfully to cover her tracks by borrowing a cheque on the morning of the audit, filling it out for £85,000 and putting it in a drawer, continued Mr Hughes.

When that ruse failed she tried to blame another member of staff who she claimed had "fitted her up," the court heard, before finally admitting she was to blame on the day her trial was due to start.

Mr Mohammed Latiff, defending, said: "She has brought shame, embarrassment and disgrace on herself and her family, none of whom have been in trouble before."

He claimed Hussain from Village Road, Aston used the money to pay the Pakistan hospital bills of her mother-in-law but was not able to produce any evidence to support this.

Judge John Wait ordered the evidence be given to the prosecution by June 21. He remanded Hussain in custody until September when she will be sentenced.