Express & Star

Postie spotted opening letter on his round

Undelivered mail was found at the home of a Wolverhampton postman after Royal Mail was  tipped off by a member of the public who saw him opening a letter during his round.


Undelivered mail was found at the home of a Wolverhampton postman after Royal Mail was tipped off by a member of the public who saw him opening a letter during his round.

Post containing shopping vouchers and mobile phone sim cards, some of which had been opened, was found at 33-year-old Deon McFarlane's home in Junction Road, Stow Heath.

The father-of-two, who was based at the Sun Street delivery office in the city, was found guilty of theft and also delaying postal packets after a trial at Wolverhampton Magistrates Court yesterday.

One witness, who gave her evidence behind a screen, told the court she saw McFarlane in June last year on one of his rounds opening a credit card letter from banking firm MBNA and taking the contents inside. It was later found in a bin near to his home. The woman identified McFarlane during an identity parade.

Martin Hancock, an investigator at Royal Mail, told the court he visited McFarlane's home with police last November.

"We searched the premises and a colleague found the mail in a kitchen drawer," he said. "They were not addressed to that property and a few of them had been opened.

"Under no circumstances should mail be delayed or taken home. A postman is fully aware of that." McFarlane was arrested in December.

The mail included money-off coupons for Sainsbury's and mobile phone sim cards.

Mr David Truelove, prosecuting, said some of the letters had been delayed by up to three months.

McFarlane, who had worked for Royal Mail for three-and-a-half-years, claimed he had not put the letters in his drawer.

"You are not allowed to open mail no matter what the circumstances," he told the court.

"I have two sons and when I come home with my bag they mess around with it. I did not put the letters in the draw personally. I'm not guilty."

Mrs Nishi Kumar, defending, argued McFarlane was not properly inducted when he first started the job and was not told about the proper procedures he had to follow.

The case was adjourned for reports and McFarlane, who was released on unconditional bail, is due to be sentenced next Thursday.

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