Express & Star

Old soldier's mower ban over health and safety

Old soldier Derek Evans has been banned from mowing unkempt lawns at his local cemetery because of health and safety rules.


Old soldier Derek Evans has been banned from mowing unkempt lawns at his local cemetery because of health and safety rules.

Mr Evans has been cutting the grass where his mother is buried at Cannock Chase Cemetery for more than a year - even buying a £300 lawnmower to do the work.

But Cannock Chase Council officials say anyone using machinery on council land must hold public liability insurance.

The 67-year-old said: "I was absolutely gobsmacked when they told me to stop cutting the grass.

"They said I might injure someone. I told them that the only people I was mowing near are six feet under, but that didn't seem to register with them.

"It wasn't too dangerous for me to serve this country for 16 years in the Army."

A council spokesman said Mr Evans had been asked to stop because he would be liable for any accidents or damage. He said the grass was cut every three weeks.

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