Express & Star

Review: An evening with Noel Fielding, Civic Hall

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"I'm not sure whether this is a comedy show, or whether I'm having a mental breakdown," those were the words of co-creator of the Mighty Boosh, Noel Fielding, as he pranced around portraying a character called Chicken Man.


As the crowd piled through the doors of the Civic Hall to escape the dreaded Storm Desmond, nothing could prepare them for the night of utter madness and off-the-wall comedy antics that lay ahead of them.

The evening kicked off with Noel having a good old moan about the fact that he's now over 40, which means he walks like Prince Charles with his hands behind his back.

Relatively normal comedy material you think? Well so did the rest of the audience until he launched into a hilarious tale of a dream he had - he was a herbal teabag sat in footballer Diego Maradona's cupboard.

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Then, it got 10 times weirder as he went into a full on monologue about his wife having an affair with a red triangle called Gordon, played by Luxury Comedy's Tom Meeten.

An Evening with Noel Fielding is exactly what any fans of The Boosh and Luxury Comedy would expect - it was down right bonkers.

The stand-up comedy section alone was enough to have the audience double over in stitches.

Many were happy to see the faces of his brother, Michael Fielding (of Boosh and Luxury Comedy) and Meeten.

Cheers erupted when the legendary Moon from The Boosh showed his face every once and a while but this time he was not alone and joined by his evil alter ego, The Dark Side of the Moon.

Just when you though it couldn't get any weirder an animation of David Bowie stuck in a plasticine world with Luxury Comedy's Plasticine Joey Ramone popped up on a screen.

The second half saw Noel 'captured' but all was not lost when Sergeant Raymond Boombox (of Luxury Comedy) came and saved the day.

Some may think that Noel isn't as strong without his side-kick Julian Barratt but An Evening with Noel Fielding was just as weird an wonderful as the crowd could have hoped for.

By Becky Weaver