Express & Star

Wolverhampton and Bridgnorth based Pauline Quirk Academy taking pupils to New York

A drama academy started by a British TV treasure is taking its pupils to New York as part of a 'trip of a lifetime'.


Pauline Quirke Academy, based in Bridgnorth and Wolverhampton, held its latest pantomime in December, Cinderella, and is now looking forward to taking the older students to New York.

Of the older group, 32 students will be heading to America in February to take part in TV workshops and Broadway acting and singing sessions.

The academy was set up by the Birds of a Feather actress, who also pays it regular visits.

Marguerite Elcock, of Pauline Quirke Academy's Bridgnorth branch, said: "It really is a trip of a lifetime. They will be doing TV workshops and Broadway acting and singing workshops. We have got each child a special PQA coat too.

"The New York trip is unbelievable opportunity for us and the kids."

Director Julian Elcock said: "Our major target is confidence, it is just as rewarding, if not more, to see a child who lacks confidence step forward in class as it is to see a confident and experienced child do a great performance at show-time.

"We try to achieve this through fun and entertaining classes while incorporating the skills and techniques necessary to improve their performing ability. PQA Bridgnorth has experienced the excitement major showcases including two shows at Her Majesty's Theatre and cinema screenings.

"In summer 2014 the students performed three Shakespeare plays along with readings and poems in St Leonard's Church as a Festival of Theatre and returned in 2016 for an evening of summer songs.

"It was a huge success with a repeat planned for 2017 giving the older students the opportunity to express themselves in a more modern format."

The group's next performance will be in the summer.

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