Express & Star

Wolverhampton Pride in the parade despite rain

The rain may have poured on their parade but that did not stop an army of Pride party-goers taking to the streets of Wolverhampton.


With brollies in one hand and placards in the other, hundreds took part in a march through the city centre followed by a packed programme of celebrations.

The colourful crowd, many wearing elaborate masks and crazy make-up, came together in a demonstration of pride and support in the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities.

Taking part was city mayor Councillor Barry Findlay who declared: "The United Nations could do with coming to Wolverhampton to see how our richly-diverse communities get along together."

Also present was gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell, a regular at the event, who carried a poster which said: 'Love Will Always Win Against LGBT Hate.' Marching beside him was Councillor Anwen Muston, who became the first openly transgender Labour candidate in the country to be elected as a councillor when she won Wolverhampton's East Park ward seat earlier this year.

She was full of enthusiasm for the occasion, saying: "Wolverhampton Pride has only ever been a small event but it's always been well organised.

"'I'm proud of Wolverhampton because I've been accepted for who I am here and got elected as such.

"The first year Pride was held in the city, they wanted us to hold it on a Sunday because nobody would be about. We've come a long way since those days and now the LGBT community in Wolverhampton is given the same respect as it is in cities like London." Councillor Findlay agreed. He said: "It was a fantastic event, with lots of people waving and cheering, and even joining in the parade, as we marched through the city centre. It was a great feeling to see Wolverhampton come together. It was really great for the city."

The entertainment included performances from Britain's Got Talent star Vicki Vivacious, Queenie, Alex Vann, Pam Catz and Divine Miss M.

The event hit the headlines earlier this year after it was revealed to be at risk due to lack of funding.

One of its members, Adam Dewitt-Bukater set up a GoFundMe appeal to rescue the celebration.

l See video of the Pride parade in Wolverhampton at

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