The Saturdays at Wolverhampton Civic Hall - review and pictures
They've got figures to die for, perfectly coiffed hair and celebrity boyfriends falling at their feet - but these girls have all the talent to back up their success.

The Saturdays, Wolverhampton Civic Hall
They've got figures to die for, perfectly coiffed hair and celebrity boyfriends falling at their feet - but these girls have all the talent to back up their success.
Bringing their hit pop songs to Wolverhampton's Civic Hall, The Saturdays proved they've got some of the best voices in the business today.

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Their bubblegum pop may not be to everyone's taste but a sell-out crowd made up mainly of young girls and trendy teenagers enjoyed every minute of the 90-minute gig last night.
While there's no problem in the singing department, the girls' dancing at times looked awkward — possibly not helped by the sky-high heels and mini skirts — meaning the performance was nowhere near as polished as it could have been.
But, as we were there to hear them sing, a few dodgy dance moves can easily be forgiven for note-perfect vocals (even if they did seem to be helped by backing tracks occasionally).
They opened with one of the best known songs Higher and took fans on a whirlwind tour of their hits, including Up, Missing You and Issues — as well as a compilation of singer-of-the-moment Rhianna's hits.
In between songs and video screen montages of the girls out and about taken from their reality TV show The Saturdays: 24/7 they made a big effort to speak to the crowd.
Irish Una even singled out her rugby playing boyfriend Ben Foden to thank him for coming to see her on Valentine's Day.
Changing into no less than four outfits throughout the show — ranging from glittery cocktail mini-dresses to urban hip-hop shorts and neon tops — the girls looked every bit as beautiful in the flesh as in the glossy magazines they regularly grace.
And, with a few extra dance classes maybe, these talented stunners will be able to keep their position as princesses of pop for a while yet.