Express & Star

Wolverhampton primary school to teach money management skills

A primary school in Wolverhampton has been selected as a centre of excellence in financial education.


The move means that pupils at Wodensfield Primary will have access to a financial literacy programme with the aim of teaching them how to manage their money well into adulthood.

It is one of 103 schools and school clusters across the UK set to benefit from the programme, part funded by funded by Experian.

It is hoped to gain centre of excellence status in the next year, turning the school into a beacon of best practice, using its expertise to help other schools in the area set up their own financial education programmes.

Headteacher Samantha Walker said: "It's our goal to provide a better future for our pupils and giving them the tools they need to manage their money well is a crucial part of that. We are excited to be developing the school in this way for their benefit."

Michael Mercieca, chief executive of the Young Enterprise programme behind the move, said: "This programme is a key part of our plans to ensure that every young person leaves school with the skills, knowledge and confidence they need to manage money well."