Express & Star

Stourbridge school academy bid delayed after funds halted

A school in Stourbridge has been forced to put back plans to become an academy after the Government withdrew financial support at the eleventh hour – leaving bosses frustrated at the 'changing of goal posts' by ministers.


Ridgewood High School headteacher Clive Nutting said the school will now be reviewing its proposal to achieve academy status at the end of the school year following the set-back this week.

Having been given the go-ahead by the Department for Education at the end of 2012, the school carried out a consultation with parents and staff before governors made a decision to convert into an academy on February 1 this year.

But last month, the school received notification from the Government department that it would not be entering a funding agreement 'at this time'.

It left bosses with no option but to call the move off before reviewing the situation this summer.

It is believed part of the reason for the funding agreement not being signed was because of an impending Ofsted inspection.