Express & Star

COMMENT: Heed six-year-old burglary victim's letter and learn

A handwritten letter from a heartbroken little girl hammers home the true misery that burglars force upon their victims.


Six-year-old Holly Crabtree wrote an open letter to the raiders who struck at her family home in Willenhall, ransacking bedrooms and making off with jewellery and electrical items.

In the letter distraught Holly wrote: "Ever since you burgled my house I felt like I wasn't safe in my house, like I kept hearing noises, so I though you might of come back."

Evoking emotions far beyond her tender years, Holly explains how she no longer feels safe in her house; and how every noise brings fear that the burglars may have returned.

The despicable individuals responsible for this act stole personal items that cannot be replaced, as well as items of a high financial value.

Holly lost Pandora charms that had been given to her as a baptism bracelet from her brothers. An Xbox, Playstation 3 and an Ipad were also taken.

Yet Holly's words sum up perfectly the lasting effect that burglary can have on its victims.

It is an impact that goes way beyond the loss of material goods.

The burglars have destroyed Holly's safe place. Her home that she shares with her loving family and their three cats has been violated.

She has struggled to sleep at night and jumps out of her skin at the slightest noise. Like the rest of her family, she understandably feels vulnerable.

Last week we heard that Daljit Uppal, whose Wolverhampton home was badly damaged in a gas blast in December, had been burgled twice while he waited for repairs to be carried out.

He too, has been left devastated by the heartless actions of the burglars that targeted his home.

The sad fact is that most of the vermin who commit these crimes have no concern for the welfare of their victims.

There are simply no depths too low for them to plunge.

One of the most poignant parts of little Holly's letter comes towards the end when she writes: "The way you get money is not be stealing, the way to get money is by getting a job."

If only the vile scum who desecrated the sanctity of her home - and others of their ilk - would heed her words.

We wish Holly and her family a speedy recovery from this horrendous incident, and sincerely hope that those responsible are brought to justice.

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