Express & Star

Poll: Would you vote for UKip after last night's debate?

Nigel Farage emerged as the winner in a head-to-head debate with Nick Clegg over Britain's future in the European Union, according to an instant poll.


Some 57 per cent of those surveyed thought Ukip leader Mr Farage had performed best, compared to just 36 per cent for the Deputy Prime Minister.

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The poll followed a debate hosted by LBC radio and televised live by news channels in which Mr Farage said it was time to leave the European Union, calling it a 'failed project'.

But Liberal Democrat leader Mr Clegg insisted: "We are better off in Europe -– richer, stronger, safer – and that's why I will fight to keep us in, for the sake of jobs, for the sake of our clout in the world, for the sake of Britain."

Mr Clegg has sought to use May's European elections to portray his Liberal Democrats as the party for all those in favour of retaining ties with the EU. But the YouGov poll indicated that one-in-five of those who identified themselves as Lib Dem voters thought Mr Farage won, with 77 per cent backing Mr Clegg and three per cent unsure.

Some 69 per cent of Tory voters and 42 per cent of Labour supporters also awarded the contest to Mr Farage.

The UK Independence Party leader and Deputy Prime Minister clashed in the first of two EU debates which have been billed as pitching the party of in against the party of out.

Neither Prime Minister David Cameron nor Labour leader Ed Miliband took part in the London event.

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