Express & Star

Hundred jobs up for grabs as £4m casino heads to Wolverhampton

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A recruitment drive has been launched to fill 100 new jobs at a £4 million casino in Wolverhampton. more

Under plans, The Rubicon Casino in Temple Street will expand into the empty neighbouring building, formerly The Dorchester/Beach nightclub, to create Casino 36.

It is due to open next year.

Wolverhampton council deputy leader, Councillor Peter Bilson, said: "This project brings a significant number of jobs to Wolverhampton.

"It will kick-start regeneration on Southside and will prove a real asset to this area of city."

Unemployed people are being targeted over the coming months for roles at the casino, with the council and Job Centre Plus helping to recruit croupiers, hospitality staff, bar staff, waiting staff and cleaners.

An initial 15 trainee croupiers have recently been taken on and are currently undergoing training with The National Gaming Academy.

Casino 36 Group Manager Craig Dobson added: "Regeneration in Wolverhampton is steaming ahead and we are delighted to be playing a part in helping rejuvenate the city centre.

"We are now at the stage in our project to start recruiting for the 100 jobs the small casino brings, and being able to draw on the council's experience in this area to help fill these positions is extremely helpful."