Schools closed on Monday
The following schools are closed across the region today - we'll be updating regularly.

The following schools are closed across the region today - we'll be updating regularly.
Oakmeadow Primary, Ryan Avenue
St Alban's CE Primary, Ashmore Park
Trinity CE Primary, Longford Road
Braybrook Centre, Bellamy Lane - limited transport available; please check with the Centre. Will accept pupils brought by their own transport.
Midpoint Cente, Valley Park Campus - no transport available but will accept pupils brought by their own transport.
The Dormston, Sedgley (Open to years 10 & 11 at 9.30am, staff in as normal)
A number of secondaries were only open to teenagers sitting their exams including Joseph Leckie Community Technology College, Sneyd Community, Frank F Harrison and Blue Coat C of E.
Bridgtown Primary School, Cannock
Havergal Primary School, Shareshill
Hollinsclough CE(VA) Primary School, Buxton
Kingsmead Technology College BUT AS/A Level examinations are taking place.
Norton Canes High School, Cannock BUT open to those students involved in examinations
Squirrel Hayes First School Biddulph