Express & Star

Parking fine just the ticket for romance

There are many reactions people have to receiving a parking ticket from a warden – love at first sight is very rarely one of them.


But that is exactly how Sally-Ann Spruce felt when she returned to her car in Wednesbury and clapped eyes on Aaron Oseland. The 24-year-old learning support practitioner at Wood Green High School had left her car on double yellow lines in Upper High Street last year. While she was in Lloyds TSB, 22-year-old Aaron pounced on the illegally parked car and left her a ticket.

But instead of going home and cursing her bad luck Sally-Ann went home with a date lined up and, a year on, a new husband.

Sally-Ann said: "I know I shouldn't have parked there. Aaron's heard all the excuses and mine was no different. I was only going to be two minutes.

"I know it sounds strange but when he smiled at me I just fell for him. We got chatting and the next we knew we were going out."

When Sally-Ann told her friends and family what had happened they laughed.

She said: "My mum said it could only happen to me but my family loves him."

Aaron, who has been a parking warden for Sandwell Council for two-and-a-half years, said: "I gave her a £30 fine and my phone number.

"She came over to me and we just started talking.

"I wouldn't normally get into conversation with people, we are not supposed to, but I knew she was the one and I couldn't just let her go.

"I've never done anything like it before. I've always been very quiet but when I saw her I knew she was right for me and that gave me the confidence to chat to her."

"I know wardens have a reputation but I really like my job. People are not rude to you are long as you are polite and professional with them."

The couple, who live in Wednesbury, got married yesterday at St Bartholomew's Church in Church Hill before going to Darlaston Sports and Social Club for their reception. They are shortly going on honeymoon to Devon.