Express & Star

Taxis into city cost £1

Taxi drivers in Wolverhampton today cut the cost of fares into the city centre to just £1 for the whole journey in a bid to boost trade during the recession.


wd2934169taxi-2-dw-27.jpgTaxi drivers in Wolverhampton today cut the cost of fares into the city centre to just £1 for the whole journey in a bid to boost trade during the recession.

From Saturday, more than 50 hackney drivers belonging to the Taxi Owners Association are offering the flat rate to passengers who flag them down within the boundaries of Wolverhampton

Of the 115 black cabs in the city, 55 belong to the TOA, which says the drivers taking part will be clearly identified by large orange notices on the both front and back windows.

The offer will last indefinitely and apply around the clock, with drivers deciding on the move after losing customers to buses. It will not apply to anyone who wants to travel outbound from the city centre, such as revellers returning home after a night out.

Parminder Sekhon, from the TOA, said: "If they spot a taxi with our orange sticker they can flag it down and get to town for £1."