Express & Star

Are motorists' fortunes in the stars?

Gemini drivers are more likely to be involved in a car accident than any other star sign, according to new research carried out by Accident Exchange.  


Gemini drivers are more likely to be involved in a car accident than any other star sign, according to new research carried out by Accident Exchange.Gemini drivers are more likely to be involved in a car accident than any other star sign, according to new research by accident management specialist, Accident Exchange.

The study of over 115,000 accidents found that Gemini drivers, known for their impatience, made up nearly 9% of all claims handled by the Company.

The unfortunate star sign affects those born between 22nd May and 21st June.

Taureans, commonly thought to have stubborn temperaments, ranked second place in the table of most accident-prone star signs, making up 8.84% of all drivers, with adventurous Arians a close third accounting for 8.66% of the total.

Interestingly, the three most accident-prone star signs are from consecutive months of the year, suggesting drivers born between March and June are most at risk in their vehicles.

In contrast, quick-minded Scorpions and curious Sagittarians were the least likely to be involved in a vehicle collision, making up only 7.7% each of drivers involved in accidents.

Celebrity drivers involved in recent motoring accidents include Courtney Cox (Gemini), Morgan Freeman (Gemini), Shia LeBeouf (Gemini), George Clooney (Taurus) and Jerry Seinfeld (Taurus). However, Top Gear presenter, Richard Hammond, who was involved in a near-fatal crash whilst filming, defies his more fortunate Sagittarian star sign.

Psychological expert Phillip Hodson comments; "This survey is based on a very large sample and is therefore hard to ignore. We already know that your birth date tends to influence the type of career you pursue with such people as soldiers and artists grouped at different points in the calendar.

"It's not too far-fetched to think that different driving temperaments may likewise be seasonally influenced.

"The challenge, of course, is for anyone to prove that the Heavens play any part in this process, as opposed to whether you are a child of - say - the summer or wintertime."

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