Express & Star

Bully's bid for school support

Stafford Rangers boss Steve Bull, together with club directors, was at Cooper Perry school at Seighford for the first of a series of school visits to raise the profile of the club.


Stafford Rangers boss Steve Bull, together with club directors, was at Cooper Perry school at Seighford for the first of a series of school visits to raise the profile of the club.

The team spoke to the youngsters about the Rangers and gave out free tickets for the Marston Road ground in the coming season.

Director Reg Bates said they are also hoping primary schools in and around Stafford will get together and form a mini soccer league. "We would then host a grand finals day at Marston Road," he said.

He said it was planned that representiatives of the club would visit up to 200 schools before the start of the season to promote the Rangers.

Tomorrow night Marston Road directors are hosting a face to face question and answer session in the Lotus Suite of the Social Club.