Boyzone thrill their fans
Boyzone were back on stage last night – and that meant a dream come true for one Black Country woman.

Boyzone were back on stage last night – and that meant a dream come true for one Black Country woman.
Laura Russell, from Wednesbury, had entered a competition to meet the Irish boys, leaving her mobile phone number in case she won. Enter Stephen Gately, who promptly called her, found her and brought her on stage.
Laura told the thousands at the NEC last night that Ronan was her favourite before being snapped with the singer on her own digital camera by Stephen.
It was a classic piece of showmanship in a show as slick and polished as you would expect. Take That have raised the bar for comeback tours, and Boyzone managed to pull it off last night in front of a packed house of adoring fans.
The theme for the whole concert was space and surprisingly it wasn't too in your face regards costume and props. The lads donned tight fitting silver trousers with military style boots and tight fitting T-shirts. Their limited dance routines looked more like body building poses choreographed rather to make the most of their toned assets than a useful accompaniment to their music but that didn't bother the thousands of women who had suddenly reverted to their teenage selves.
Vocally Boyzone seemed as good as ever and didn't fail to deliver, their harmonies were perfect.
They came across as five everyday lads who know how they've got where they are and don't seem to take it for granted. This was underlined throughout the show as each took the opportunity to address the audience thanking them for their support.
Ronan, as he led the group into a rendition of Father and Son, said "A lot has happened over the last eight years, we've got kids - I know some of you do too now and this song means more now than ever."
Review by Wendy Lloyd. Picture by Jason Sheldon.