Your guide to getting out of the debt trap

Here is some advice on the path to follow if you are in debt.


Here is some advice on the path to follow if you are in debt.

Step One: A change in circumstances is often the root cause of money worries. Inform those directly involved - landlord, mortgage provider, credit card company etc - as soon as possible if the birth of a child, the loss of a job or other change in circumstances is affecting your ability to keep up payments.

Step Two: Carefully list your income and expenditure. Identify and prioritise your debts and check if you are entitled to benefit.

Step Three: Get advice from an expert in the field such as the Citizens Advice Bureau or similar agency and follow the guidance. There are plenty of agencies that can help. Here are some useful numbers:

Welfare Rights 0121 569 3158. Citizens Advice Bureau has no central number, so get local office number through directory inquiries. National Debt Line 0808 808 4000. Consumer Credit Counselling Service 0800 138 1111.

Energy Advice Centre 0800 512012.

Revenue and Customs: 0845 300 3900. Jobcentre Plus 0800 055 6688.

Pension Service 0845 60 60 265. Carers Allowance Unit 01253 856 123. Child Benefit Helpline 0845 302 1444.