Express & Star

Happy Christmas for Viagra mum

A mother who gave birth to twins after turning to Viagra after six years of desperately trying for a baby has spoken of her joy at their first proper Christmas together.


wd2505229twins-ae-12.jpgA mother who gave birth to twins after turning to Viagra after six years of desperately trying for a baby has spoken of her joy at their first proper Christmas together.

Helen Wilkinson, of Brierley Hill, was prescribed the male sex drug to boost her chances of conceiving with husband Adam.

It is thought to thicken the lining of the womb, aiding conception.

And after taking it alongside their third course of IVF treatment, twins William John and Elizabeth Hannah were born at Russells Hall Hospital in Dudley on December 8 last year, weighing 5lbs 1oz and 3lbs 10oz respectively.

Mrs Wilkinson, aged 41, said after the anxiety of last year, Christmas this year was their best ever.

"Christmas was cancelled really last year because the twins were in hospital in a special care unit for nearly three weeks after they were born," she said.

"Over the festive period we were going backwards and forwards from the hospital twice a day.

"But this year is so different and we have all been really excited because we just never thought we would have them. We still look at them and just can't believe they are here.

"Both of them are crawling now and there are toys all over the place after their birthday recently.

"But we wouldn't have it any other way - it is fantastic."

The couple began trying for a baby as soon as they married in 2000. In 2002 they were successful but Mrs Wilkinson miscarried at 10 weeks.

After another year of negative pregnancy tests, investigations revealed the miscarriage caused scar tissue in the womb making conceiving and carrying a baby difficult.

Mrs Wilkinson said: "We felt devastated because we wanted a baby so much. Surrogacy or adoption were even mentioned but after surgery to remove some of the scar tissue, we wanted to try for a baby with IVF first."

The couple began two years of IVF treatment through Midland Fertility Services (MFS), which has clinics in Wolverhampton and Walsall. After two unsuccessful cycles of IVF, Helen and Adam started their third and final treatment in early 2006.