'Dorito UFO' seen in skies
A UFO, described by witnesses as looking like a huge "Dorito" crisp has been filmed over the skies of the Black Country, according to a paranormal group.A UFO, described by witnesses as looking like a huge "Dorito" crisp has been filmed over the skies of the Black Country, according to a paranormal group. A flurry of calls has been made to Stourbridge-based UFO Research Midlands (UFORM) from those claiming to have witnessed the flying object in the sky. Witnesses say they spotted it in Halesowen heading towards Stourbridge on Wednesday at around 7pm. UFORM is now appealing for anyone else who saw it to get in touch to help it compile its X-files. Read the full story in the Express & Star

A UFO, described by witnesses as looking like a huge "Dorito" crisp has been filmed over the skies of the Black Country, according to a paranormal group.
See also: Readers call in on Dorito UFO
A flurry of calls has been made to Stourbridge-based UFO Research Midlands (UFORM) from those claiming to have witnessed the flying object in the sky.
Witnesses say they spotted it in Halesowen heading towards Stourbridge on Wednesday at around 7pm.
UFORM is now appealing for anyone else who saw it to get in touch to help it compile its X-files.Steve Poole, UFORM chairman, said one man filmed more than 30 seconds of footage of the craft travelling in a westerly direction from Halesowen to Stourbridge. He said: "The object has been described as looking like a huge Dorito and had distinctive red lights on its underside, which moved position while the craft was flying."
Another witness reported seeing it while looking out from the Lickey Hills towards the Sutton area of Birmingham.
The witness says he watched the UFO through binoculars as it moved "very quickly" across the skyline. Two other independent collaborators came forward within hours of the sighting, according to UFORM.
UFORM operates a 24-hour hotline for the public to report UFO incidents. Steve Poole said: "This could turn out to be a pretty substantial sighting, especially given that one of the witnesses has filmed the event. We would like to hear from anyone else who may have seen this object. They can remain anonymous if they like."
UFORM was set up in 1995 by Steve Poole to coincide with the massive increase in UFO sightings in the West Midlands.
Now with dozens of members, the group holds monthly meetings in Stourbridge with internationally renowned guest speakers, hosts sky-watches and acts as the leading research organisation in the area for anyone interested in the UFO phenomenon.
l Did you see the UFO? Have you taken any photographs or video footage? Contact the Express & Star newsdesk on 01902 319410.