Express & Star

Tory surge breaks Labour grip

The Conservatives made gains in the West Midlands – but there were some crumbs of comfort for Labour. Labour's grip on Birmingham was broken after the Tories snatched three seats from the party.


This made the Tories the biggest party in the city for the first time in 24 years.

They took 16 out of 40 seats up for grabs in Birmingham, Labour took 13, the Liberal Democrats 10 and Respect one.

In South Staffordshire, where the whole council was up for election, Labour was left with just one seat after a strong night for the Tories.

But in Sandwell, Labour saw off the threat from the British National Party and took a seat from the Tories.

Dudley remains in Tory hands despite losing a seat to Labour.

The Conservatives gained a seat in Walsall and Labour lost three, leaving the council in firm Tory control.

And in Wyre Forest there was a good showing for the independent Health Concern party, gaining a seat and removing Labour leader Jamie Shaw.